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Sports Funding
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Sports Funding

PE and Sport Premium for Primary School

The Primary PE and Sport Premium is a government-backed funding initiative aimed at helping primary schools across England improve their physical education and sport provisions.

The premium is designed to help children get an active start in life, supporting primary schools to improve the quality of their PE, physical activity/literacy, and sport provision so that pupils experience the benefits of regular exercise.

During this academic year (2020-20201), Montem Academy received £23,150 in Sports Premium funding.  We have invested a large majority of this money (£17,000) in the installation of three traversing walls in our KS1 and KS2 playgrounds, with the aim of increasing our range of activities provided to our pupils, and in turn increasing activity levels during break times, PE lessons and extra-curricular clubs.  The remainder of the funds will be spent on a subscription to the Slough Schools Sports Network.

Our Aims

At Montem, we firmly believe that PE and Sport plays an important role for our pupils and has the potential to play a positive role in improving pupils’ lives for the better.

As a result, our aim is to ensure that we use the money afforded to us through the sports premium effectively in developing a rich, broad and high quality PE and extra-curricular provision to all of our pupils, which enables our children to improve their health, fitness, mental well-being and academic achievement whilst developing a life-long love for physical activity.

How can we use the funding?

In order for us to achieve this goal, we able to use the School Sports Premium funding to:

  • Develop or add to the physical education activities, and sports that your school provides
  • Ensure the funding will benefit pupils joining the school in future years by building capacity and capability within the school
  • Invest in new and updated equipment
  • Provide staff with professional development, appropriate training, and resources to help teach PE and sport more effectively. Introduce coaching and new sports to make PE more enjoyable.
  • Run and maintain after school sports clubs
  • Introduce physical activity throughout the school day