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Ofsted Final report 2023
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Ofsted Final report 2023

Montem Academy's Ofsted Report 2023

What is it like to attend this school?
Leaders, staff and trustees share exceptional expectations for pupils in this inspirational school. They believe that everyone can ‘excel through pride and ambition’. Relationships are built on strong mutual respect and trust. Pupils are joyful. Behaviour is impeccable, and bullying almost never happens. Teachers always help pupils, and their families, with any worries.

Equality and diversity are celebrated daily. All pupils recognise themselves in books they read and inspirational figures they study. Pupils care deeply for their community. ‘Eco ambassadors’ take the lead on environmental action. ‘Digital leaders’ support their peers with technology.

Staff offer extensive extra-curricular opportunities. From cheerleading, touch-typing and board games, to boccia, cricket, netball and badminton, there is a free club for everyone. Leaders are passionate that nobody misses out. Pupils represent the school in an impressive range of events, including festivals for pupils with disabilities.

Personal development is exemplary; leaders deliver a ‘childhood promise’ to ensure that all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, experience trips to the seaside, theatre and London to see Christmas lights. The choir loves performing at Windsor Castle. Pupils glow with excitement when describing camping and residential trips. Parents say this school ‘goes above and beyond, truly making a difference to the community


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