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Writing Intent

At Montem Academy, we believe that the ability to write with confidence and accuracy is an essential life skill.

At Montem Academy, we aim, wherever possible, to create cross curricular writing opportunities, as we believe that in order for children to see themselves as successful writers they need to be involved in writing for a real purpose and for different audiences.  

Writing is an important part of our curriculum and is an integral part of all of our lessons.  At Montem Academy, writing is taught in a range of ways:

  •  Modelling Writing: The teacher talks aloud the thought processes as a writer with the children. They model strategies in front of the children, communicating the strategies being used. Teachers may model writing skills such as punctuation, rehearsal, proof reading, editing, word selection, sentence construction and paragraphing.
  • Shared Writing: This is a collaborative approach in which the pupils contribute their ideas and thoughts for the teacher to write. The teacher models and teaches specific writing skills and there is the opportunity for discussion to choose the most effective or suitable ideas.
  • Supported Composition: The children work in pairs to provide the next sentence of the text. This may follow from the modelled or the shared writing process.
  • Guided Writing: Pupil groups are needs led and are identified through ongoing assessments. The teacher or other adult works with the group on a carefully selected task appropriate to that group’s needs and targets. This will focus on a particular aspect of the writing process rather than writing a complete piece. Misconceptions, gaps in learning and common errors will be addressed through targeted group work.
  • Independent Writing: Children are given opportunities to apply their understanding of the text type in their own writing. They are encouraged to plan, draft, write, edit and publish their work, applying the skills they have learnt throughout the unit of work on that particular genre.

Curriculum Overviews