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Welcome to Montem Academy

Montem Academy Video Tour

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'Everyone to Excel through Pride and Ambition.'

Welcome to Montem Academy

Montem Academy has a wonderfully diverse community which comprises of pupils and adults from a wide range of nations, ethnicities and cultures.  We celebrate this diversity and believe it is a key strength of our academy.  We offer all children an education in a safe, calm, inclusive and stimulating environment where every child is valued as an individual.  We aim to nurture well rounded, respectful and confident children who will develop skills for life-long learning.

Ms A. Probert - Principal

About Us


The Montem Vision outlines the culture, vision and values that we expect every member of our academy community to aspire to and uphold at all times – children, staff and families. Everything we do will be in the spirit of The Montem Vision – learning, attitudes and behaviour. By following the high expectations defined by The Montem Vision, everyone will have the best possible opportunity to achieve their best and develop their talents and skills.

What is The Montem Vision?

Our Vision:

  • Everybody is welcomed, respected and valued
  • We will help every child to achieve high standards in their learning in order to reach their full potential
  • We celebrate achievement and recognise success
  • We have high expectations of all
  • We have teaching and learning at the heart of all we do
  • We foster a thirst of learning and working together
  • We celebrate  and embrace diversity
  • Our children will be safe, happy and successful

Outcomes for our Children

Montem Children are:

  • confident and highly motivated and are fully involved in school life
  • well behaved, tolerate and care and support each other
  • independent thinkers, open minded, show initiative and have a love of learning
  • proud of their achievement s and celebrate the success of others
  • valuable contributors to the wider community

Our Attitudes and Behaviour

The school has the following three rules which the pupils and staff are expected to follow at all times and in all circumstances:

  • These rules are taught, modelled and valued by all school staff
  • These rules are prominently displayed around the school and in the classrooms
  • Through the use of our agreed system we will achieve consistency; every member of our community has a clear understanding of the high expectations we have for attitudes and behaviour
  • The school also celebrates a Value of the Term which focuses on British Values
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • We place a strong emphasis on enabling pupils to develop their self-esteem and self-confidence in an inclusive environment
  • The competences will be taught throughout a child’s time at Montem Academy, with each skill building year-by-year at an age-appropriate level
How will the Montem Vision be celebrated?
  • Through weekly circle time and PHSE lessons
  • Through Montem Tokens (awarded as an incentive and reward, for pupils who demonstrate the Montem Vision during playtimes)
  • Through assemblies and celebration events
  • Through a range of rewards and prizes